Sunday, May 8, 2011

CVS Extra Care coupons

This is a list of the Extra Care coupons I received from the CVS coupon center this morning:

$1 off ANY pad, tampon or liner  (i used this to get the Carefree body shape liners for FREE)
$1.50 on any Excedrin exp5/22
$5 off WYB all 3: Listerine 500ml, Reach Brush and Floss exp 5/22
$3 off any full size Cristophe hair care exp 5/22
$3 off $10 beauty purchase exp 5/9
$0.25 off 2 Snickers, M&M PB, 3 Musketeers or Milky Way singles exp 5/15
$2 off 2 Hershey Bliss 8.6 oz or larger exp 5/15

Feel free to leave comment on which ones you received if they are different than mine. (=

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