Thursday, June 23, 2011

Publix trip 6/23


I mainly went to Publix today to get the Powerade and Rossetto Pasta but was tempted by the other deals and just couldnt pass them up. I also had a "coupon hater" in line behind me that could have gone to the express (that was empty) with his 3 items but chose to get behind me and huff and puff and then make a nasty comment in front of my 6 year old daughter.  But I am past letting grumpy, negative people get to me so I just left him standing there with a HUGE smile on my face. He finally left the lane and went to the express lane. (=  Here is what I got and how I did it:

(12) Powerade BOGO @ $1.25 - (2) MQ $1/5 & (1) MQ B1G1 = $4.25 (not bad for 12 Powerade)
(2) Dukes Mayo BOGO @ 2.99
(4) Crystal Light To Go  BOGO @ $2.99 - (1) TQ $1 & (4) MQ $1 = $0.98 for 4
(2) Betty Crocker Potatoes BOGO @ $1.75 - (1) MQ $1/2 = $0.75 for 2
(2) Ritz Crackers BOGO @ $2.99 - (2) MQ $1 off WYB 1 Ritz and 1 1.25 L of Coke = $0.99 
(2) 1.25 L Coca Cola @ $0.99 ea = $1.98
(1) Tylenol Precise Heat Ptach 3pk $4.99 - (1) MQ $5 = FREE + $0.01 overage
(1) Hefty paper plates $1.67
(4) Tic Tac Big Packs @ $0.99 ea - (4) MQ $0.75 = $0.96 for 4
(4) Rosetto Tortellini & Ravioli BOGO @ $3.99 - (2) MQ $1.50 = $4.98 for 4
(4) Alexia Appetizers BOGO @ $3.59 - (4) MQ $1 = $3.18
Bananas $1.40
(2) Publix Amer. cheese singles @ $2.50 ea = $5.00
(1) 6pk eggs $0.75

Pre Total with tax = $57.59
Winn Dixie $5/$30 coupon - $5.00
coupons = -$26.25

TOTAL $26.34 saved 54%  (thats less than $0.63 an item!!)

Be sure to check out my Facebook page Savings Crazy Mom and "like" me while you are there. (=

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